Friday, January 29, 2016

Hoarder's Lament

I have too much "stuff",
it has to go
to the dump...
to the Goodwill...
to the consignment...

Who am I kidding?

I've saved for too many
"rainy days",
"could come in handy somedays",
"you never know when you'll need..."

I don't need it.

And I bought an umbrella.
Actually I bought two.
And a raincoat...

Obsolescence has been saved
and could lead to my grave
if I'm not careful. Pulling out
my hair by the handful.

One man's junk can be another man's junk
if I play my cards right!
I battle the inclination to replace my "stuff"
with more "stuff"; sadly, my junk drawer
needs another drawer. It ends up
on the floor or other flat surface.

Shelves are everywhere if you can find them.
My mind says "Purge, Purge, PURGE!"
I fight the urge.

I have too much "stuff"


From "Quickly's Winter Doldrums" - Jan. 29, 2016:

It’s Safer Than Arson

I’d bet that –unless you’ve recently experienced fire, flood or some other disaster, or moved into a much smaller home–you have too much STUFF. Fortunes are there to be made selling containers, containers, and systems of containers. Books instruct on how to organize and how to winnow out. If you haven’t used it in a year. If it doesn’t give you joy. If it doesn’t open you to wealth, health, success, or happiness.

Yep. Then come the magic words:

THROW IT OUT! (or sell it–to someone who’s as buried under goods as you are, but hasn’t had that moment of epiphany/despair)

Today, write about your stuff. Love it, hate it, try to fit it in the trash. If it’s taking too much space, turn it into words.


  1. Oh how I feel for you - and like you, I have too much.

  2. Oh how I feel for you - and like you, I have too much.

  3. "my junk drawer needs another drawer" -- I love this.
