Monday, January 11, 2016

Full of Hops

Malted and brewed
Golden hued
Bubbly and frothy
Bottled and canned
In high demand
Ales and pilsners
Pints, quarts or kegs
They’re all here,
the champagne of bottled


From "Quickly's Winter Doldrums" - Jan. 9, 2016:

This is a love-it or hate-it situation.
I don’t know what this form/technique is called.
And I’m fuzzy on the details.
But I think it will work for you.

I want you to define something by listing its attributes.
( Yes. I know.) Let’s see if I can tell you what I’m looking for. If I can’t get it right, and leave you scratching your head [ “what was that about?” ] just do your best. Write a list.
This is a little bit like the Blazon form, where the lady is described (usually in an outlandish manner) by describing her parts. ( Her eyes are suns, her lips are pouting roses, her fingertips are kitten taps, and so on, ad nauseum)

But that’s inflated and false–I want you to tell some truths in your poem, even if they aren’t entirely factual.
Quick example:
a ball is round
a ball is a spherical toy
with baby slobber
or dog slobber
or both
a ball is red
a ball is green
a ball is covered with horsehide,
is thrown, is kicked, is smashed with a racket
a ball is autographed, sold for thousands
a ball is left in the grass, in the pool, in the rain


What you define doesn’t have to be a thing. You might do
a good time
OR friendship, OR misery, OR
the view from my front porch swing (though that might lead you into some long lines)
Have a go at a list-y definition poem!

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