Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Feeling Tentitled

  1. Bastard Sons of the Bastille
  2. Racer's Edge
  3. Someone Down There Knows Me
  4. I Have One, Only Bigger
  5. Caustic and Witty
  6. Show Your Hand
  7. Gentle Tears Leave Harsh Trails
  8. A Child's Smile
  9. Weather or Not
  10. Reflections of a Million Mirrors

From "Quickly's Winter Doldrums": - Jan. 5, 2016
An almost free day. A seam-easement, too. A couple of days of wiggle room. Catch up on the prompts you haven’t had time for, revisit one that didn’t work for you and look at it from a different angle or in a different mood. Combine a couple. Or just kick back.
For today, we’re going to re-run the title prompt.
Make up some titles. Spend a while—ten minutes minimum, but as long as feels good—writing nothing but titles. Play free association. Turn off your censor. Title, title, title. Don’t worry about the follow through. Of course, if you’re lucky you’ll find some titles you’d like to read the poems to. Doesn’t matter, really. Simple titles, long titles, titles that are stupid, or beautiful or tiny poems in themselves—have fun.
Post your ten favorites.
Just titles.
If you get inspired, and write a poem—hold on to it. Delay that gratification.

1 comment:

  1. Nice titles.
    I'm generally not a list person.
    But this is what I did:
    Icey Eyes

    I post at WP but I have a "B" post for ease of commenting.
    (And for my daily short verse.)
